Wednesday 19 September 2012

Left Behind- WW

It’s the middle of the week and that brings me to Worship Wednesday! Cliché, I know right? Yet, it is so, so important!
Worship is a center point in my relationship with God. So often it is in the midst of worship that I feel His presence the strongest and here His voice the loudest. It brings me back into a humble position before His feet. There are so many ways to worship the Lord, yet song is often the manner which frequents our minds. However, spending quiet time accepting His Spirit into my heart is another form of worship. Being still before Him is often very vital. I firmly believe we should spend our days in prayer, yet it is those moments in which we submerse ourselves in the Lord, maintain His presence, and give back all the glory in which He is due, that we are truly fulfilled.
Pray without ceasing…                    1 Thessalonians 5:17
This week my worship caught me a little off guard. I’ve been reading the Left Behind series. For anyone who has not read these books, regardless of it you’ve watched the movie, I urge you to go get yourself a copy! They are absolutely heart moving. I can’t but help fearing for what these characters are going through. As a believer in a pre-tribulation rapture, these books are not only helping me to understand how events will take place but also putting it into perspective how terrible it will be!
Please don’t misunderstand me here. I am not one of those fanatics, shouting from roof tops that the end is near. I just believe that we should live everyday as if Christ could show up in the next 5 minutes! As I read these books I find my soul crying out to the Lord. I feign for more in my relationship with Him. I desire to be closer. I don’t want to be left behind…I don’t want to see my loved ones either. It is more than this though. The main characters in this series experience a hunger, a drive, and a passion for Christ because of KNOWING what they’ve missed all these years. I don’t want to wake up one day when I’m 70 having lived an okay life and realized how much better it could have been if only I’d gotten my relationship with God right from the word “go.”
My heart is longing for that hunger that these characters are experiencing. The strength to stand in the face of Satan and not tremble. I want the blessings the Lord has promised over my life. I want to shout His glories from everywhere!
‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and hope.’ Jeremiah 29:11
How could I have been missing it for so long? God wants my life to be filled with JOY! He wants my children to be provided for just as HE provides for me! He wants my life to be MIRACULOUS!
As I sit down for my worship today, I realize I want more. I want to be overflowing with comfort in God. I want an eye to eye, heart to heart talk with Him. So, please, join me on Wednesdays for a short break for WORSHIP! Read along as my relationship grows closer to God and enjoy all the blessings He has prepared for our lives!
Check out this amazing video of Casting Crowns-Glorious Day!
It's my theme for where my heart is forcused today!!

Never hesitate to pour your love out to the LORD...for He has never failed to deliver His!!

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