Monday 8 October 2012

Win! Win! Won!

Friday was an amazing start to a ridiculously ah-mazing weekend!! I was in the workshop on the farm for a little while Friday afternoon and was most pleasantly surprised when I returned to my office!

There was a package! Wrapped in that beautiful brown paper that tells me it was shipped quite important. It was certified and its coded tracking number gleamed up at me ensuring me it was for me! I stared in disbelief as I double checked the name and address. I wasn’t expecting anything. After careful observation I was aware that this particular goodie was addressed to my husband! My frown sets in…WTHeck is this now?? How dare he use my works address!

Then…something else pops out at me.

A beautiful notion.

A ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds of my dismay.

Three little words.

Living and Loving

Oh yea!! I’ve got a package from one of my all time favorite magazines! Clearly this is not meant for Hubby dearest. This gorgeous gift is for me in one of my shallow upbringings clever ideas of using my husband to enter giveaways as I am not South African and therefore horribly excluded not allowed to enter!

{Mentally imagine the happy dance setting in…oh yea}

I eagerly rip open the brown paper. I scramble to turn the box around. I squeal!

I’ve just been made into the wonderfully proud and giddy owner of a brand new Phillips Avent Manual Breast pump!! {Insert second happy dance!}

A new breast pump is something I was seriously considering investing in. After my failed efforts to breastfeed Lil Mister though I was hesitant to drop such a large amount of cash on a mechanism that may or may not sit collection dust in my already crammed packed of uselessness perfectly organized and boxed goods for later use cupboard! I’ve looked into many kinds and although I am considering a different brand for actually feeding, Avent was my first choice when looking into the breast pump. I used Avent bottles with Lil Mister and loved them, but wasn’t sure if I was sticking with that brand again. The reviews on the manual breast pump however are amazing and price wise it is incredibly reasonable!

Hubby and I had agreed to wait until after LJ was born and see how the breast feeding goes. Being much more informed and prepared this time, we were are hoping and praying for positive results. If I can successfully produce milk, then we would invest. (I return to work when LJ is 6 weeks old so exclusive to the breast is not an option, but pumping would be perfect as we DO NOT want to supplement with formula!)

I have taken this upon myself as a sure fire message from God that I will be successful! He has placed this desire in my heart and He has provided me with a gift so precious to our little family that I know it will not go to waste! On payday I had looked deeply at the Avent breast pump when paying my pharmacy account. I almost purchased one. My spirit told me to wait. I was so down as I felt this was a negative reaction and that I was mentally preparing to fail and that is why I didn’t want to purchase one! However….I know this was God’s plan!

I want to thank the wonderful ladies (and gents) at Living and Loving mag for all that they do! I’ve been an avid and addicted reader since I moved to South Africa! Long before falling pregnant with Lil Mister I began reading my mother in laws old editions and the moment I popped positive on that little sticky I started buying my own! I’ve kept every month since then. My most prized one is June 2011 where I was featured in the prego pictures with Lil Mister! I’ve put that one in a dust jacket and in Lil Misters baby box!! The magazine (as well as the website…link again!) is chock full of tips, stories, articles, and ideas! I can’t get enough of it and anxiously await my new one every month!

Secondly I will thank Phillips Avent for the amazing giveaway! Avent is strong supports of breast feeding and do all they can to get information out there for us moms! Their products make it easy and comfortable. Even more so, especially with the discrete and fashionable case the pump is stored in, they make it realistic for working moms to continue to provide healthy breast milk for their children! Big thanks!!

Now I just have 10 weeks left before I can try it out!! ;-) (I’ve heard nipple stimulation brings on labor so we might run it early if LJ wants to make a late appearance ;-])


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