Tuesday 27 November 2012

A Quickie

Oh that's right...
No Not THAT...
JEEZE get your heads out of the gutters!

It's been a busy weekend and I'm sick as a dog. (I don't really understand that statement!)
I have a lung infection...I'm 37 1/2 weeks pregnant...still working 10 hours a day (except today my boss sent me home!)

WE MOVED!! Oh yea...this will deserve a post all on it's own and I promise I will get one up asap!

I just thought I'd say take some time...peak around the archives!
Know I haven't left all of you just yet.
LJ is still refusing to make an appearance.

We are FINALLY on our own again! hehe

Despite coughing up chunks of my lungs...I'm giddy! ;-)



  1. Thanks Maria! I stopped over by your page today! I'm in love with the dollar store ideas! Being here makes me appreciate the value of a dollar much more now!

  2. Stopping by from the Blog Hop! Excited to follow.

    Hope you feel better soon. I have a great recipe for an all natural cough medicine on my blog! Great to use during pregnancy! Check it out!

