Friday 15 February 2013

KWU-Best Drink Ever

For a quick explanation of this link-up, click here. In short, Michele and Mel will post a picture or video with a writing prompt on the 1st and 15th of every month. You can write your entry in any form. And, with each prompt, they'll feature a writer from the previous link-up. Which reminds me ...

Our esteemed Ketchup With Us Featured Writer for today is ...

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The Rules of Play
1) Submit your entry using the linky at the bottom of the KWU posts.
2) Follow them on Facebook (Michele /Mel).
3) Follow them on Twitter (Michele/Mel) & tweet us your entry using the hashtag #KetchupWithUs.

'KETCHUP WITH US' - Prompt #12

In 57 words or less, tell us about the best drink you ever had. Recipes and pictures are encouraged.

I never like you before. You tasted like wee in my mouth. To give credit where credit is due…I did taste you warm for the first time. When I moved to SA, they had none of my favorites. There you were calling my name on a shelf. Crisp, cool, refreshing, a step into my past…my Heineken.

Pictures courtesy of Google

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  1. Agreed! I didn't care for Heineken until I went to Amsterdam. Had it on tap, and loved it ever since.

    1. It's funny how circumstances change our preferences!! Hope you loved Amsterdam!!

  2. Heineken is my back up beer. It is always safe. Great choice, thanks for linking up!

  3. Don't care for beer myself- except in arroz con pollo (cuban style chicken and rice). THERE it makes all the difference in the world! Here from the weekend blog BB2U

    1. I miss a genuine arroz con pollo! I haven't had it since I left America! I need a good recipe (hint hint!!!). You version looks like I'd have a good excuse to buy some Heineken too! ;-)

  4. Funny! And I'll have to let you know when I develop a taste for it, too. :)

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. You'll have to travel...I think that's the key to liking things you didn't before! ;-)

  5. My mom has the same opinion of beer... "pour it back into the horse." My guess is that she's never had a good beer. Maybe she'd like Heineken?

    1. I've always loved beer. Coors light was my favorite I have to say....but it was something about Heineken was like tasting home! ;-) Have her try it...maybe she will like it! Let me know!

  6. Somehow I've never had a Heineken... but I really like the name. It appeals to the middle schooler lurking inside my soul.

    1. It's actually really good. I guess our tastes change as we change! Try it and let me know what you think! ;-) It is a great name isn't it?!?
