Thursday 21 February 2013

TT- Things that I Love

It becomes all too easy to focus on the negative things in life. I was always told by my grandma to decide how I want the day to be and what I want my attitude to be for the day before I ever got out of bed in the morning. She said that if I did this and focused on it, then that is how it would be. It's hard to be negative if you are focusing on the positive.
Jenn asked us to talk about the things that we love in life. Not the people! So here is mine:

* the smell of rain on a summers afternoon
* the sound of my childrens laughter first thing in the morning
* getting flowers for no reason
* hot cocoa under a duvet on a cold winters night
* colored pens
* scary movies
* romantic movies
* a good book on a Saturday morning
* that first cup of coffee in the day
* coffee at 3 am with MIL
* random texts just to say I hope you're having a good day
* glasses of wine with my girlfriends
* music blarring through my ears as I run
* running
* exhaustion from a productive day
* Hubby's love for me
* Hubby's support for my desires
* cooking (and Hubby loving my cooking!)
* baking with Lil Mister
* spinning in circles with my son till we're sick
* watching Lil Misters face light up from pure innocent joy
* random acts of kindness
* an understanding smile in the grocery store (when you're kids are pulling out your hair!)
* kisses....lots of kisses
* a new purse/scarf
* an old purse/scarf
* listening to an elder tell a story from the 'old days'
* helping an elderly person
* giving to orphans (their joy is priceless)
* the smell of fresh cut grass
* sitting on the river bank with my family
* camping
* a late night full of close friends
* a lekker braai
* the silence of my house at 2 am when everyone is asleep
* looking at the stars with my family
* tickle fights
* being held by Hubby Dearest in the night
* surprises
* reality TV :-/
* board games
* bedtime stories
* shopping with girlfriends
* a hot, bubble bath
* long talks on the telephone
* handwritten letters
* the ocean/the beach
* sunsets/sunrises
* afternoon photo sessions with nature
* getting to watch the wild animals

Okay....this is addictive! As you can see it becomes quite easy to think of all the things that bring joy to your life! Why don't you try it?!? Link up with us and read what others have to say too!

* OOOHHH....and ALL OF YOU!!!! I love you....sorry Jenn had to do it!

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