It’s that time of year
again. The red carpet rolls out. The celebrities all put on their best. The
Rolls Royce is pulled from the garage. We all gather for photographs and
endless questions…..
Oh wait I got a little
carried away there didn’t I. You caught that did you! Oh, ok…you’re right I’m
not participating in the Golden Globes or the Academy Awards this year….only
because Bradley Cooper doesn’t realize my invitation never arrived in the mail.
{I’m firmly blaming the postal services here for this unforgivable mistake!}
Duh duh duh
I have been
nominated…TWICE!! my lovelies for a Liebster Award!
This will make my second
and third Liebster Award, but I will not crowd my precious sidebar with more
than one little logo. {Unlike the future Oscars to cover my mantle….oh…no….ok
you’re right I’m dreaming again…[sigh]}
This little corner of the
www we like to call the blogosphere can be kind of rough. Sometimes it makes me
feel like I’m back in high school competeing for prom queen and ‘most likely to
succeed.’ We have the popular crowd who seem to have like a gajillion billion
readers and the weird ones who you just struggle to get in with and then there
is the little guys like me! We’re not the stinky group that sits in the corner
playing Dungeons and Dragons but we’re also not the cheerleaders dating the
We’re simply out their
doing our best and putting ourselves on the line to be built up or torn down.
What is so amazing is that
every once in a while…in the blink of an eye…someone else steps from their
shell and reaches out to one of us. We connect. We laugh and cry together. We
read together and write together. We grow together!
That is what the Liebster
is all about! It is an award for up and coming bloggers in this little world of
ours! It is an award given to bloggers with 200 or less readers. There are some
rules to this award though!
1) Thank the person who gave it to you in a post….this is
a little bit of like ‘HEY….advertise me quickly!! I did it for you!!’ or ‘I
scratch your back you scratch mine!’
2) Tell 11 facts about yourself.
3) Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who
nominated you.
4) Prose 11 questions for the 11 bloggers you nominate.
5) NO TAG BACKS!! ;-)
Okay…so I’ve already taken
care of number 1 but let me throw it out there again! THANK YOU to Dawn and
Stacy!! I’m so glad you are enjoying growing with me!
My 11 facts
1) I NEVER thought I’d be 23 married with two kids
but…HERE I AM! ;-)
2) I am deathly afraid of clowns….the make my hair stand
up and I will hide in closets. Sorry kids…no clowns at birthdays!
3) I have this really weird reoccurring dream about
taking a bath in diamonds and warm almond milk. I’m not sure what it means but
I wouldn’t mind it coming true!
4) As you probably figured out above…Bradley Cooper is my
celebrity crush from Hangover to The A-Team…I’m an addict!
5) I would willingly in a heartbeat pull my kids from
school in high-school to homeschool and travel the world. But I want to wait
until they are old enough to enjoy the experience. I don’t think there is
anything the school can provide that a trip like that wouldn’t make up!
6) I work for a farm in South Africa…but it isn’t what
you think! We harvest citrus and grapes and are busy ALL YEAR ROUND. You really
can get sick of eating grapes!
7) Although so many people hated it….I LOVED being a
blonde and think I’d do it again if it wasn’t so much work!
8) Since starting blogging, I’ve become emotionally
attached to my cell phone. It is like an extra appendage and I am lost without
it. I am probably addicted to social media.
.jpg) |
I didn't have picture for this so how about another one of Bradley Cooper! ;-) |
9) Lil Mister has absolutely NO problem walking around
nude. We have never made a big deal about it and now at over two years old he
will spend the whole day without pants if I let him.
10) I like to cuddle…even when it’s hot out I’ll climb in
bed with my boys and hold them close. Especially when they are so small! LJ is
an ah-mazing cuddler!
Oh you wanted another you go...
.jpg) |
How could you not crush on that??? |
Dawns questions….
What is your favorite children’s movie of all time?
Aladdin. I still
want to watch this movie every time I’m sick with a bowl of Chicken Noodle soup
and a Sprite and saltine crackers. This was my Mom’s cure for everything!
Do you work outside of your home? Or are you a SAHM? What
is your favorite aspect of your job?
I’m a WOHM. I love
my children but I work for me. I need that feeling of accomplishment that I
achieve at work. I love the people I work with. My boss is ah-mazing and the
entire farm just has a sense of easiness amongst each other!
Who is the most inspirational person in your life?
I’d say it was my
Granny. I spent a little over a year living with her before I moved to South
Africa and that was one of the best times of my life. She got me back on track
with the Lord, taught me to nuture the Spirit in my life, and always encouraged
me to follow my dreams. I miss her terribly but carry her with me every day!
What’s your guilty pleasure? Bad reality T.V. shows?
Taboo memes on the internet? A certain food that only a pregnant woman would
Coffee and
chocolate….I even make coffee cocoa brownies ;-/
Pepsi, Coke, Coffee, Tea, Water, Juice…or wine?
Coke over Pepsi,
Coffee over Tea, Water over Juice….is noon to early for wine?
What’s your favorite fruit? Do you prefer it raw, baked,
with dinner, in a salad…or with everything?
eat them raw, with cream, in a salad, juice….I just love them!
What is your favorite genre of music to listen to in the
Country! I love
the feeling it gives me of my home roots!
Toilet paper…are you an over the roll or under the roll
I never really
cared but Hubby insists it goes under the roll!! So I oblige! ;-)
It’s bedtime! Are you a side, back or stomach sleeper?
I’m a side
sleeper….it aids in the cuddle process!
What’s your favorite gadget to use in the kitchen?
A whisk…no matter
how hard I love whisking it by hand!
When you’ve had a stressful day, what is the FIRST thing
you do to unwind?
Sit and play with
my boys. If the day is just too much, I leave everything and just play in the
grass. It makes my worries go away!
And Stacy’s questions…
How long have you been blogging?
6 lovely months!!
What are your hobbies?
children count??
How many children do you have or would like to have?
Oh kids….I have
two beautiful monkeys boys and I’m perfectly happy..NO MORE
What is your favorite tv show?
House still beats
everything else…I’ll watch reruns for days on end!
What is your favorite color?
Eish….I like pink
but honestly…I love LOVE a mustard yellow. I think it looks great on me!
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Hmm….I really
can’t decide. I’d rather live on a boat that my family and I can just travel
and drift wherever the current takes us.
Do you have any pets?
1 poor little
fish…the others didn’t make it. We need to get him some friends.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
Oh my….yes let’s
just leave it at that!
What is your favorite desert?
Cheesecake all the
way people!!! CHEESECAKE!
Are you a night or day person?
Before kids….night
totally. I still love nighttime…but the kids force me to be a day person
What is your favorite Season?
I miss Autumn in
America. The change in colors, sitting around a fire bundled up roasting
hotdogs, hay rides, full moons. I LOVE it!!
And finally for my questions….
1) If
you knew there were no consequences, what would you do?
2) What
do you believe in?
3) Who
is your celebrity crush?
4) Why
did you start blogging?
5) If
you could be a sea creature, what would you be? Why?
6) Most
said statement from you…..
7) Finish
the sentence….One time when I was in high school,
8) What
is one thing you NEVER leave the house without?
9) What
is number one on your Bucket list?
10) What
is the one thing you always turn to in order to relax?
11) Favorite
And the nominees are....
Lovely Light
Run Zippy Run
Sprinkles on Toast
Foodies Find Fitness
Life with the Little Man
Mind Body and Goal
Nugget on a Budget
Go get them girls!!! ;-)