Monday 18 March 2013

MHO Monday Mingle #6 GOALS

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A weekly questioner with Funny Postpartum Lady and Story of a Girl!!

This Week's Theme: Goals

1.  Do you believe setting goals are important in life?
100%!! You can check out a weekly link up I'm in on Mondays for goals here. I am obsessed with goals and find myself setting them constantly. I love the structure and drive it presents to my life!

2.  Do you set time tables for your goals? If so is there one goal you are determined to meet in 2013?
Absolutely!! Each goal is broken down for me into smaller sections. I plan to run my first half by December of this year. I have it broken down into smaller goals of a 5km in April and building up from there with multiple levels.
I set daily goals, weekly goals, and monthly goals. I don't believe in todo lists....their goal lists!

3.  Are there any past goals that you are proud to announce you have met?
I wanted to be able to run a 5km in under 40 minutes within 3 months of LJ being born....He turned 3 months on Friday and I did it! 38:26!!!

4.  If you have children, are you teaching them about, and helping them make goals for the future?
Yes, I have two small boys. They're still to young to understand the concept of goals....Lil Mister is now 2 years old. Rather I teach him about continuing to try and not give up. I feel that is the basis for any good goal habits. When we practice throwing a rugby ball for instance...I cheer him on even when he misses and continuously say let's do it again!

5.  Do you have a bucket list? have you started to work toward any of the goals on it yet?
Of Course!! ;-) You can check it out here!!!

Okay, now it's your turn. Grab the button and questions and repost on your page!!! You don't have to answer the questions, you can just repost the button on your sidebar or in a post. Link your page or post up and mingle with other bloggers!!! No rules, just meet new people

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