Monday 2 September 2013

One of Those Weeks

You know those weeks where it feels like things just don’t stop. I know that you know what I’m talking about!

It seems as if every time you’re just beginning to get ahead, 20 more things come toppling down on you. If you can just dig yourself out of the hole far enough to get some fresh air, well... then you might actually survive.
It was one of those weeks.
LJ refusing to go to anyone but Mommy when sick

LJ was sick with flu. After we got back from Family Camp, he just kept getting worse. Really he’d done pretty well all winter long and we kept him dressed warm, but the cold evenings won over. Monday morning he woke up with the snotties basically in his mouth.
Of course he thought the snot bubbles were absolutely hilarious. Mommy found them more amusing than the sleepless nights.

The poor little guy wanted to sleep...but kept waking up from the blocked nose and the coughing. His wonderful nanny, Maggy, (She deserves an entire post!) was finally able to get him into the doctor Friday afternoon. He wasn’t overly sick but we didn’t want to wait until the cough developed into something worse.

If it wasn’t for the absolute peace of him resting solid, his fighting to NOT take his medicine might have won....alas, Dr. Mom appeared all weekend long. (Mr. Sandman also visited and it was lovely!)

Lil Mister is causing havoc as well, but of a more....demanding nature toddler nature. The winter is getting to him too....he is fed up with being indoors! On weekends, we definitely squeeze some outdoor time during the day, but during the week it is too much. He gets a couple of hours at school in the morning/afternoon but that is it. Once I pick him up, we go home and are confined to the house because the wind is strong and the cold is set in and the dark is upon us.

Hubby Dearest and I do our best to entertain him, but I just feel like we’re not doing enough. I get home at 5:30 pm; Hubby just before 6 most nights. We need to cook dinner, get baths done, eat, clean up afterwards and prepare for the next day. Bedtime is 8 pm and among everything both kids want to play and get attention and we want to give them these things.

We try our best to leave the house and other things until the kids are asleep, but I’d be lying if I told you I’m up past 8:30 most evenings. Think I’m crazy? Well, neither kid is sleeping through the night yet although we are working on it. I can easily be up 5 times between the two of them (if no one is sick!) then I get up at 4:30 every morning! I’m beat in the evenings.

I guess I just wish we had more time to do more things with the boys....especially Lil Mister who needs some extra stimulation lately.

If home life wasn’t hectic enough; did I mention we haven’t had a quiet weekend in...umm, months? We have had activities every weekend since the last weekend in June!  Well, if that isn’t enough, work has basically doubled.

It’s too much to go into detail about, but I’ve added another management system on top of my debtor and creditor work. I still love my job and am finding it even more rewarding, but I just feel as if I can’t breathe.

There is a never ending TO-DO running through my head and some days I feel completely depressed because I’m not accomplishing everything I set out to do. It isn’t that I’m taking on too much....

Really there isn’t much in our schedule I can say no to. Kids are demanding and work is too. All of which manages to fit into fixed hours of the day...most of the time...but those hours just aren’t enough for what needs done!

Do you ever feel this way? Like a little mouse forever endlessly running in that ring. I’m looking more and more forward to our vacation in November!

For now...I try to remind myself to take it one day, one hour at a time. I try to find the little things that I love and dwell on them. I attempt to organize myself so that I don’t have to constantly have my mind on another task than what is at hand. But most of all...

I try to remember that the house work can wait, the laundry can hang a little longer, and we don’t have to eat gourmet that I can play blocks a little more, paint a little longer, sing another song, read two more books, or just stay awake long enough that Hubby and I can have our daily devotional time.

How was your week?

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Shana Danae..

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