Thursday 1 May 2014

Times of Seperation

I have been stressing a lot about this time in which Hubby will be separated from us. I know I shouldn’t it has brought me to my knees in prayer. God has settled in my heart that this time of waiting is important for us. There is work to be done in our marriage, family, and home. I don’t just mean the packing and putting in notices and all of that! I mean, God’s work, spiritual work, within our souls.

However, God created me as a that is what I have been doing! It is what I turn to when I feel bombarded with too much to do’s. It has taken me these couple of weeks to allow my mind to sift through the clumps of everything that has been setting their seeds down, but I think I have finally got...a list! Hehe...lists make me happy!

First, the family!
o   Prayer: this is obviously the key to managing these two months. I will be spending a lot of time on my knees.

o   Kids: I am working on keeping us busy. Lil Mister has a sleepover planned with his Oom V and I have been collecting plenty of pinterest ideas for daily activities. We will be visiting friends for coffee dates and have baby clothes to give away!

o   Marriage: Communication is the nail here. We have to stay communitcating. I cannot imagine this is easy for Hubby either to be away from us. When he does get to come home for a night for visiting, I will make sure we are talking (not the whole night of course!) and making him feel special and just as much a part of daily life. I need to make a point to keep him informed of all the little things going on so he knows about it and knows that he is still present in our lives.

Second, work!
o   I need to continue to focus on my current job with my whole heart. It is hard because this company has been such a huge part of my life and there is a part of me wanting to begin shutting down for protection. I dread saying goodbye to this place and these people but I need to still give 110% until the day comes

o   I am constantly putting my CV out there. I have sent it to multiple recruitment agencies and companies that are advertising for work. I have also sent a copy with Hubby to give out if he finds the opportunity!

o   I have been honest with my current job that I will need to take days off to go to interviews. It is a two hour drive there and two hours back. I can’t just pop out during my lunch. I don’t want to lie to my work and feel more confident knowing that they know the truth. I am not leaving this company on bad terms, but rather being the diligent wife and following and supporting my husband’s career. They recognize this and are supportive. It takes a lot of stress away!

o   I am praying.....of course! My new job, just as my current one, will be a blessing from God. I am trusting in the Spirit to guide me into the right company where I will be able to succeed and find appreciation, as well as, maintain the faithful atmosphere I have experienced these past years.

Third, the move!
o   One of my biggest concerns has been packing the house! I mean I work full time and now have my two monkeys to handle on my own. But I have two months. Now, as the queen of procrastination....I would love to wait until the end of May to do this. I know that won’t work. So I have set a goal to pack one box a night! One box is not so much and leaves me with plenty of time to accomplish the house without feeling overwhelmed.

o   The second problem is finding a new home! I like control and this comes with a price this time. I want to pick our “perfect” home that fits all my needs and wants and expectations. I don’t want to settle. But I am handing the reigns over to Hubby this time! He is already in our new town. I have set us up with some estate agents and search the internet daily for listings. If something comes up, it is Hubby’s job now to go view the house and speak with the owners. He, then, will be left with the final decision of where we move into. I am fully trusting in him and believe he will find us the home God intends for us!

o   My last concern with moving has been the kids. They are used to our current town. They know the town and have lived here since birth. They love their school and friends. But I know that this move is a blessing from God. So...I’m letting it go. I will take the opportunity when I go for interviews to pop in and visit a few crèches and allow the Spirit to find the perfect new school for my little monkeys. A school that caters to their needs and inspires their imaginations.

Finally, the nitty-gritty!
o   I have started making notes of things I will need to get done before we move. With Hubby not here, I have a lot on my hands. But I need to give him this time to focus on his new job!
v  Change of address- I need to get a PO Box open in our new town. Since my mail here comes to our community box at work I cannot file an official change of address. As I receive mail in these two months, I am sending back notifications to change my address.
v  Update the medical aid- I need to change our GP to a new one in our new home and as well change our address with the medical aid so they know what hospital to register us at.
v  Home repairs- we have taken care of our home, but obviously things need done. So I am working my way through the house one room at a time and spring cleaning and repairing the minor things that need done!
v  Socializing- yep this has made the list! I cannot allow myself to become a hermit these two months. I need to keep my mind and body active. So I am making play dates, coffee dates and maybe a date with a bubble bath too!

So there is my “plan.” As the days go by, I get more detailed adding notes and jotting down ideas. If you have any toddler activities....shoot them my way! Keeping the boys happy and distracted during these evenings is a key to success! Okay and a mommy pamper night or two!

Have you ever managed a big move like this? Why? And what did you do to survive it? What are your tips for when you and your spouse are separated for work, military, etc.? 

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Shana Danae..


  1. Wow, thats a whole lot that your family is going through, but I'm confident God will see you through it all. God bless you and your family. I'm new to your blog...I'm really enjoying your posts!

    1. Thank you! It is quite a bit but God is walking us through it! He has a plan for our lives right now and we are more than willing to follow! Thank you for your prayers!

  2. We moved across the country, from PA to IN when E was eight weeks old. I had had gallbladder surgery the week before and was also recovering from a c-section. My in-laws came to help us pack and move and were there for two weeks. It was incredibly incredibly stressful but I'm so glad that we did move because we have a much better life here than we did in PA. I know everything will get done and work itself out, even if it doesn't seem that way now. You're doing a great job momma!

    1. Thanks Holly! Yes, it takes a lot of planning and wow, I give you huge props for what you went through! I know in the end it will all be worth it!!!
