Thursday 24 July 2014

Meet Erin

Hey peeps! I'm so excited to take a step back again today to bring you the beautiful Erin! Erin blogs at A Dash of Time.

Erin is a mom to two beautiful children and graces us with her blogging know how! From recipes to catching up, she keeps it fresh with a variety in her corner of the blogosphere!

Her latest post, Loaded baked Potato Casserole, had me drooling over my keyboard! I cannot wait to try this out! Can I make only that for dinner?

And she truly had me thinking about my priorities in blogging with Comparison is Stealing my Joy. She gets real about how we are too hard on ourselves and don't allow ourselves enough credit!

Oh and I couldn't miss her post, If you Really Knew Me. Her honesty and openness both blew me away and inspired me! I love getting to know other bloggers better, too!

So without further Erin!

1)      What made you decide to start blogging?
I started blogging just to keep a diary of my last pregnancy. My plan was to post links to it on facebook so that family members could read it and be up to date.

2)      Do you still blog for the same reasons? If not, why do you blog today?
Blogging for me is completely different now. It is more like a a place for me to go when I have more to say than I can put into a simple tweet or facebook post. It’s become a place to connect with other people who are similar to me and to really keep track of, and organize my life in a way. I love having something to look back on.

3)      What would you tell a new reader about yourself to hook them in?
To hook a new reader I would let them know that I have ADHD so they never know what to expect. I don’t know if that’s actually a good thing though in blog land haha. I love to have fun and hey, if anything embarrassing happens they will for sure be the first to hear about it!

4)      What inspires your writing the most?
I usually get inspired to write something as a response to facebook posts or hilarious/horrible things that happened during my day or week.

5)      What was the most shocking part of becoming a parent? 
Welp, I became a parent at 18 so that in itself was pretty shocking. Also, I truly did not realize how incredibly life changing and difficult parenting would actually be! I keep hoping it will get easier but shoot it never does!

6)      What advice would you give a new mom?
I would tell a new mom to always go with her gut. Don’t hop on trendy bandwagons just because BuzzFeed featured some crazy article. Don’t compare yourself to other moms, and just do what feels right to you. Take all advice with a grain of salt. ( Except this advice, you can take it as is, it’s pretty right on haha)

7)      Three items you can’t live without...
Other than the obvious, air, food and water….Do my kids and hubby count? Ok, well besides all that…. My planner, the Whitney English Day Designer, keeps me sane and organized. My phone for sure, sad but true, I would be so bored without it, not to mention lost because I count on that GPS daily. Lastly, my teddy bear that my dad gave me before he passed away!!

8)      Coming up on your blog this month?
Coming up on the blog, I promise I am getting more organized so there will actually be content up more often this month. I think my favorite post that I have coming is a post featuring what I am eating during the week now that I eat clean 80% of the time! A lot of time is going into that!

You can find Erin at Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram //  Bloglovin

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Shana Danae..


  1. Isn't it weird how our reasons for blogging change over time? Hope you have a great day!

  2. Thanks Shana for the shout out!! I agree Heidi, it's crazy how blogs change over the years! :)
