Tuesday 22 July 2014

Meet Kendall

Hi peeps! Today, I'm taking a step back to let you meet an amazing woman, Kendall from Songbirds and Buttons. She's taking the time to hang out on my sidebar for a couple of months!

Kendall is a beautiful mom to two amazing boys (yay for boy moms hehe) and a coffee addict like me. I think you can imagine why we're getting along already!

Kendall talks about a variety of things on her blog but you can feel her passion for special needs ranging in topic from speech delay to clubfoot

Some of my favorite posts have to include: 

8 months where she talks about all the amazing things that have happened in the first 8 months of her sons life. You can truly feel her joy and love as a mother! 

wyatt1With that again, Kendall knocks me away with The courage & passion I see in my son post. Her words are breathtaking and she expresses a valuable lesson our children can teach us! 

And last, but definitely not least, I'm speechless at her Being Happy post! Read it and you'll understand how she just encourages you to be more!

Without further ado, meet Kendall!

1)      What made you decide to start blogging?
 I started blogging as a creative outlet when my husband and I moved to Northern Michigan to attend school. If you've ever been up north, you know what I'm talking about - we moved to a small town called Sault Sainte Marie and I needed a way to stay connected to friends and family. And it blossomed from there!

2)      Do you still blog for the same reasons? If not, why do you blog today?
Yes and no. Now blogging has become a career for me - I just moved to doing it full-time so my blog schedule is based on what needs to be done rather than what I feel like doing at any given time. I still express my creativity through writing, which I love - and I get to work with awesome companies!

3)      What would you tell a new reader about yourself to hook them in?
I'm just a regular mom trying to navigate her way through parenthood, marriage, and the world in general. I love sharing pieces of my life with others, and I love to connect and communicate!

4)      What inspires your writing the most?
My kids, hands down. I write about them all the time - probably because they are what I love most about my life.

10268750_1454132504825004_1854334043_n-25)      What was the most shocking part of becoming a parent? 
Having fear all the time. I am a natural-born worrier but having kids made it 100 times worse!

6)      What advice would you give a new mom?
Listen to all of the cheesy advice others give you. You know, "sleep when the baby sleeps", "remember the little things", because even though you might shrug now - you'll realize they are all true later.

7)      Three items you can’t live without...
-macbook pro
-Erin Condren planner

8)      Coming up on your blog this month? 
Lots and lots of good stuff! You'll have to tune in to see :)

You can find Kendall at Facebook // Twitter // Pinterest // Instagram // Google + // Bloglovin

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Shana Danae..

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