Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tuesday Tunes: You Raise Me Up

Sometimes in life (most of the time) we don't have all the answers, but through faith I've allowed my heart to become the child I'm supposed to be. I want to always remember that He is my ultimate Father. Today, this week, this month I allow him to "raise me up" when all I want to do is fall!

Check out my highlight sponsor this month!!
Heartbeats Soul Stains
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Shana Danae..

A Stress Free Zone

I just want to stop today....it seems so strange to me! I'm not used to being at home!

Last week I lost my job. There has been problems with getting my visa re-issued and although I am 100% legal in the country, I'm not allowed to work without that sticker in my passport!

In a way, we knew this was coming. We've been trying so hard to get that sticker but for some reason there have been continuous road blocks. And to be honest, be being at home unemployed is not in our best financial interests right now.

Monday, 1 September 2014

#30dayMommyChallenge and More!

Organized ChaosI proposed to you as part of my #Commitment2014 focus a #30daychallenge! I am so excited to be bringing you another challenge!

In February, we worked our way through 30 days of planks and eventually achieved a 5 minute plank! I loved the way my abs had felt and have continued to make planks an everyday activity! They are so easy to do...well, anywhere at anytime!

In May we did a 30 day focus on abs again! After that we took a turn and did a 30 day marriage challenge for the month of July!