Tuesday 1 October 2013

Have a moment and let your face shine!

I’m taking a short break again from the Kids ‘n Worship series again this week! Mostly because I am in the middle of working on it with Lil Mister so we can bring you some wall breaking content!

I wanted to take a moment to feature those lovely faces on my right hand side bar!

When I started blogging, I knew immediately that one of the things I was going to enjoy the most about the experience was the relationships I was going to develop with fellow bloggers! Don’t let anyone fool you, the friendships you can make through the blogosphere are just as good as in real life friendships!

It started out as me just commenting and having discussions with other ladies on the blogs. Then we started emailing each other back and forth! Before I knew it, I was getting excited and anxious to check my mail to see if I’ve heard anything from my new friends! And when I mentioned it to someone...she felt the same way!

I love this connection. I thrive from the feedback. I get inspired by others creativity!

So, when I finally got the urge to start considering advertisement....sponsors were my go to choice! I started contacting other bloggers about doing swaps!

Although, these lovely ladies have swapped with me this month...I feel you still deserve to know them! I know I’m enjoying learning more and more about them! So without further ado....

Rebecca from Caravan Sonnet

Rebecca is beautiful inside and out. I constantly receive inspiration and encouragement through her blog. She truly lives a “beautiful, creative, inspired, and intentional life.” If you’re looking for an uplifting story, she’ll floor you with hers. If you want to find motivation to keep your faith, she’s got more than a fair share! And if you need a little bit of encouragement that you’re on the right path, she will find a way to uplift you!

Chelsea from Life Unpublished

Life Unpublished

Chelsea is all about living life! You can just tell from her posts! If you want to see some beautiful photos, you're definitely in the right place! This girl has some mad skills behind a camera! She'll even share some comfort and encouragement through the experiences of her own life and relationship. I look forward to each and everyone of her posts!

Lauren from The Albrechts Blog

Lauren is another beautiful daughter in Christ! She is a recent grad and finding her feet in marriage, life, and career. She will completely inspire you with her faith in God! Like me Lauren has recently learnt that she loves running....along with her already known love for coffee...I'm starting to think we're two peas in a pod! She's real and honest and you will totally connect with her!

Stevie from colorful commotion

Stevie is down to earth and real! While working towards finishing her degree, she is keeping us up to date on all the happenings of her life! And trust me she's busy! And she has a heart of gold. Don't believe me? Go read her latest post about her weekend...she was sick and still took the time to go cheer up her friend! She has the most adorable pets I've seen and is just about as terrified of spiders as I am! You'll relax while reading her...so go, let her bring you in!

No matter what sponsorship you choose, I try to give a personal experience to each and everyone! No one is bigger or more important in my eyes! I give lots of Twitter love and enjoy more than anything reading and commenting on your posts! I share as many as I can because I want others to know the joy I’m finding in your blog!
Sponsors is all about the relationship! And that is precisely what I devote myself to giving you! When you choose Organized Chaos, you’re not only getting the chance to promote your blog but as well, a chance to gain a new friend!
So grab a cup of coffee and let’s begin!

-Ad’s are managed through the admin of Organized Chaos and run for 30 days.
-Ads begin once the space you purchased becomes available

  • $5.00


    150X150PX SIDEBAR

    ,  4 shown at a time
    Great spot for if you’re just wanting to get some exposure. I offer an optional guest post and guaranteed shout outs via Twitter and Facebook! I love to Pin and share your posts as well! So make sure we're following each other every way possible!
  • $7.00

    ,  2 shown at a time
    This is great for extreme exposure!! I offer a group spotlight post and an optional guest post on your chosen day! Guaranteed weekly social media shout outs via Twitter and Facebook! I'll be commenting on your posts as well as sharing as many as I can!
  • $10.00

     1 shown at a time
    This is an in-post ad. Since I post 5+ times a week this is maximum exposure. You’re given an individual spotlight post and two optional guest posts at your chosen time. Guaranteed twice a week social media shout outs via Twitter and Facebook.
  • $2.00

      6 shown at a time
    Small ad space available for swaps! Make sure to contact me for details for the swap! I give sporadic social media shout outs via Twitter and Facebook throughout the month!

I handle all of my ads on my own, so if you’re interested email me at shanamom2 {@} gmail {dot} com.  All I need is your button, dimensions aren’t important! I’ll handle the rest! You can just back and wait for your gorgeous face to shine on my sidebar!

If you want something special, that’s okay too! Let me know, I’d be happy to accommodate you!

Visit Top Mommy Blogs To Vote For Me!


Shana Danae..


  1. Isn't blogging the best? I LOVE making new friendships and I think sponsoring is one of the BEST ways to do that!!

  2. It is the best! I enjoy it so much and feel very blessed to have the means to do it!
