Monday 7 October 2013

Weekend Recap

What were YOU doing this weekend?


I spent a weekend being Mama and Wifey and you know what? I loved every minute of it!

As with most Saturdays, the boys and I loaded up and headed to town early. We visited Papa, paid some bills and grabbed an ice cream cone!
They were amazingly well behaved and both took turns napping in the pram! We were so hot when we got home that I decided we needed to climb in the pool!

When Hubby Dearest got home from work, I had to wiggle my booty to get ready for a friends baby shower!

It was a beautiful shower and we can’t welcome to FINALLY welcome a little girl to the group! I mean seriously....we all have boys or are having boys! ;-)
As usual, LJ was busy and got plenty of attention!

Sunday we relaxed (mostly because the house was a mess...I needed to stay home and clean!). Saturday night Hubby had set up the tent in the backyard so the boys wore themselves out running in and out of it and crawling through random zippers and holes!
We really spent the whole day just being together! There was more water play and Hubby pulled together the most Ah-MAZing bunny chow. We kissed and hugged and loved and was perfect!

Getting read for work this morning,
I walk into the kitchen to find this!
This is what I love about weekends.....the little becomes the big. Moments normally passed up suddenly slow down and become events. Nap times become walks (because LJ goes to sleep so much easier being walked in the pram!) and bike rides become races.

What is your favorite part about the weekends?

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Shana Danae..


  1. Family days are the most awesome days. :)

    Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync. Have a great week!

  2. Thanks so much! Hope your week is awesome!
