Thursday 31 July 2014

Meet Tameka and Chelsea from Let Your Face Shine

Hello peeps! I'm so excited to bring you two more amazing women that have been hanging out with me this past month! They're part of my "Let Your Face Shine" group and it has been such a blessing having them on the blog!

They each have such a beautiful story to share showing the strength in women each and everyday! These two ladies bring you the best in daily life, fashion and recipes so watch out!


  • Runs for 60 Days,  4 shown at a time 
    Great spot for if you’re just wanting to get some exposure. This package includes a group spotlight post, option to join in a group giveaway and I'll probably drive you insane in the social media department!

So take a minute, read their story and stop by to tell them hello! (Little their names it takes you straight to their about me pages!)

Welcome!Meet Tameka from Pastries, Pumps, & Pi

1)      When did you begin blogging and why?
I originally set up my blog in 2012 to chronicle my teaching experience at a new high school.  But when that ended up being an unpleasant experience, I never publicized the blog.  In October 2013, I decided to go forward with the blog because I was excited about my tutoring business and also wanted to share my live if food and fashion.

2)      What inspires your writing the most?
I am most inspired by my love for math, and helping others understand it.  I’m also inspired by my favorite things and experiences in my life, hence the name of my blog.

3)      What did you want to be when growing up?
I always wanted to teach.  That may not have worked out the way I wanted it to, but God made it possible to still do so through tutoring.

4)      Coming up on your blog this month?
In the next month, I want to make some design changes, start my first linky party, and start a new series (still deciding on the idea for that).

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1)      When did you begin blogging and why?
I started blogging the week after I got back from my honeymoon...mostly because since wedding planning was over, I had no idea what to do with all my extra time!  I wanted to be able to write more, but I had no idea I would fall in love with it the way I have. 

2)      What inspires your writing the most?
Life.  I know that's cliche, but it's so true.  I love blogging about life.  My favorite ending line of any show ever was the last line of The Office: "There's a lot of beauty in ordinary things.  Isn't that kind of the point?"  That's exactly how I feel about blogging about life. 

3)      What did you want to be when growing up?
 Everything, ever. I think changed my answer to this every week.  I would read a book or see a movie where a character had a certain job and would decide I really needed to have that job. For the record, I still do this.

4)      Coming up on your blog this month?
Some dream updates, some book news, and a few giveaways!  And, of course, posts about how beautiful ordinary life can be.

If you’re interested in becoming a Star with Organized Chaos, head on over to my sponsors page! You can email me your details and I’ll gladly get you set up! Don’t see a package that fits your particular needs, that’s okay! Email me about yourself and what you’re looking for and we can create a package just for you!

Check out my highlight sponsor this month!!
Heartbeats Soul Stains

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Shana Danae..