Wednesday 30 July 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Ouma and Oupa

The boys had a recent visit with their great grandparents while I was in hospital. I thought I'd share a few photos from over the years! 

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Shana Danae..


  1. That's fabulous your children get to spend time with GREAT-grandparents. I had this opportunity when I was a kid and it meant a lot to me. My children only had one set of great-grandparents alive. The great-grandparents passed away two and three years ago. At least our grown children were blessed to get to know them and visit them for many years. I hope these little guys will have the same privilege with their great-grandparents. Happy #WW!

    1. I knew my great-grandparents and am so blessed to have met Hubby's great-grandma. Even had the opportunity for her to meet her great-great-grandson! I love it that our family has had kids young. Seems silly, but it's been a blessing! I pray yours will have that privilege too! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Awww I wish I my son can meet his grandparents (my parents) as he hadnt seen them since he is 4 months old. He is 4 years old now =( #ww

    1. Shame! That is a hard one! My boys haven't met my parents either since we live in different countries! But I know God will make a way someday! By the way, you're a no-reply blogger :-(

  3. Replies
    1. That is so true! Thanks for stopping by! By the way- you're a no-reply blogger :-(

  4. Come share your photos each week at the new home for Wordless Wednesday (on Tuesday) -!

    1. Thanks! I always enjoy a new hop! By the way, you're a no-reply blogger :-(
