Friday 4 October 2013

We're so busy I hope you didn't miss....

Wow. As I look back, I almost can't believe another week has gone. Time is so precious
and each passing day I come to realize this more and more!

I keep telling friends and family how much I am missing my boys during the day at work and how the hours seem too long. It seems like each day when I get home....they're doing something new. Hubby even commented after his weekend away (I mean he was gone 2 days peeps!) that it seemed like the boys were bigger!

In the business of life....well, we need to just stop and relax and just be sometimes!

My favorite Tweets of the week:
"Any idiot can face a crisis-it's day to day living that wears you out." #quoteoftheday

My super slow laptop makes me hate blogging...MalMal needs a new computer!

My favorite posts of the week:

Robin over at Pink Dryer Lint shared with us how she is busy and not liking it. She also gives some very practical tips to slow down, un-clutter, and get more out of our day!

So, here’s a little insight to what you missed this week!

Saturday I shared the humorous honesty about cash! And on Sunday, I shared some inspiration about God moving like a fire in our lives.

Monday I started opening up about the financial difficulties we have been facing and how we plan to improve this! We refuse to just sit on our bums and do nothing!
Of course, there was another installment of Sunday Social. This week we talked dreams and careers! Do you have a dream job?

Tuesday I co-hosted with the Bloody Marys Count As Salad and I had such a great time doing this! I also introduced some on the lovely faces hanging out over on my side bar! If you haven’t taken the time to get to know these ladies, I strongly suggest you do!

Also, do you want to partner to grow you blog and make new friends? Great! So, do I! Visit my Tuesday post or head on over to my Sponsors page! Let's get hooked up!
”family, good times, baby faces

Wednesday brought us to Wordless Wednesday and every time I see these faces I smile! I also shared the second post about our finances as I let you in on the four basic, but MAJOR, changes we made that literally cut our grocery shopping by 31%!

Thursday was another week with Jenn at Theme Thursdays. We shared our collections. You won’t believe what I’ve been collecting!

I also, talked a little...or a lot about what and why I’m homesick.

Today, I continued on with the financial theme and shared with you one of our budget cutting, vegetarian yummy delicious recipes! It’s a Lentil Shepherd’s Pie and believe is worth it!

Then, I was so blessed to be able to share with all of you how your Facebook status can help to change this woman's life! Rebecca is another beautiful face on my sidebar this month but she has also secured a spot in my heart! Please, go read how you can help!

Please stick around the weekend for another Saturday Funny and Sunday Inspiration! And as always I love to hear from you! Have you stopped by the Prayer Power page lately? We’ve got some amazing stories in the power of God!

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Shana Danae..


  1. I love Robin from Pink Dryer Lint! She's awesome and I'm so looking forward to being "spoiled" with a month of posts by her. Such a treat!

    I hear you on how time is flying by!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend.

  2. Robin is always uplifting and encouraging! I think it's because she is so real and honest in the storms...still praising God!
