Friday 1 November 2013

What you missed W44

Ai....another week gone! Have you heard me mention that we are planning, hoping, and praying to make it to Durban this month to visit our Grandparents? Well, if all goes’s two weeks away! TWO FRACKIN’ WEEKS PEEPS!

In light of this...I need some posts! I’ll be away from the blog for a week! I’ll still check your comments, reply and catch up on just relaxing and reading all your lovely words, but I won’t be posting. :-/ I know you’ll miss me. I’ll miss you too! However...most importantly, who wants to hook up Organized Chaos with some guest posts?

Party over over here!
In other news....I was so surprised and blessed that I found out I won an awesome giveaway over at Not In Jersey! I love giveaways and cannot wait to return the favor with the First.Ever. Organized Chaos hosted giveaway next week! Keep your eyes peeled friends!

This week has flown by and I can’t wait to share with you next week about an amazing blessing my family received....but you’ll just have to stick around for that!
I’ve also got some more PPD healing recap posts ready and some thoughts about feeling secure in your marriage! I hope you are as excited as I am!

My favorite Tweets of the week:
Dancing in my bathroom, A comes in and says, “stop. You are not a rockstar.” If you can’t be a rockstar in your own bathroom where can you?

Only having to teach one class instead of four today?! Now that’s winning. Thank you Friday!

My favorite posts of the week:
 Keeing Up With Kelsey Kelsey shares with us about managing our Facebook time and accepting when we've gone too far! I love this because I've been there before and know exactly when social media starts consuming my life! Something every blogger should be aware of!

Leslyn's Lovely Life And how awesome is this new link up! Leslyn hosts it every Tuesday and you post that song that is just stuck in your head! I missed it this gets in the way but oh my did I enjoy looking to see what others are listening to!

So, here’s a little insight to what you missed this week!

Saturday I gave you a little baby humor...because well, it is just so darn cute!

Sunday I expressed my belief in conquering your dreams and God’s plans for our lives.

I’mAmerican and proud....or at least I feel that way now! Monday I shared with yall about the battle I had with being an American when I moved to South Africa, my fears, things that surprised me, and how I finally came to be one with myself!

Tuesday, I talked a little more on just being me. I shared a post of some of the things I think know will never change about myself! I wish I could remember where I first read this idea because I loved it immediately! Do you think you have some habits or personality traits that will never change? Why don’t you list them too?!? I’d love to read about it!

Wednesday brought us to Wordless Wednesday! My boys love bath time and when they bath together it’s more fun for them and easier for me!

siblings, brothers, bath time, love, smiles, laughter, fun

I also brought you the Splash Math Giveaway hosted by the lovely Lisa over at Squishable Baby. I love encouraging parents and guardians to become more active in their children’s education and this is a great program to encourage home learning and assist in children who might be struggling a little with math! If you haven’t entered yet...go do it now!

Thursday I started a multi post series recapping how I worked my way through PPD. A friend of mine who is very close to my heart was recently told she suffered from depression and in sitting with her....I started to look back on my walk this past year with new light. I’m excited to continue sharing with you my upward walk towards healing my heart and mind!

Please stick around the weekend for another Saturday Funny and Sunday Inspiration! And as always I love to hear from you! Have you stopped by the Prayer Power page lately? We’ve got some amazing stories in the power of God!

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Shana Danae..


  1. That shot of your boys in the bath...just adore it! So cute! Enjoy your week off from blogging! Sometimes ya need a brake...hope you also make it out to Durban!


  2. Congrats on winning the giveaway! It's always so exciting to find out you've won something. :)

    Have a great weekend and I hope you get to have a great trip in two weeks!

  3. Thanks so much! It was very exciting! I hope your weekend was great!

  4. Thank you! I love bath time together....they play so nicely! Thank you for coming by!
