Friday 29 November 2013

What you missed W48

This week has been a little slow getting back into the groove! I won’t lie.....I’d much rather still be on holiday! ;-)
It was so wonderful and honestly, our family truly needed it! Although, that house from our Ouma and Oupa is far from childproof! We were so heart sore and tired of telling the kids no for everything that when we got home they’re were able to just about whatever they wanted!

It amazed me actually how much little changes can make a difference! We don’t have any major stairs in our house. Just a small step down out the front door and one stair out the back. Both are manageable by both boys. At Ouma’s there is a HUGE set of stairs that go right to the gate to the road! We constantly had to booby trap this so the boys couldn’t go down. Then there are three more big steps to the veranda on top of the garage. I was chasing LJ the whole time because he wanted to go up and down these!

Additionally, our dogs are very child friendly. They sleep with the boys, cuddle with them, and accept all the grabs, hugs and kisses the boys will give. Ouma and Oupa’s dogs? Not so much! One actually gave Lil Mister a scare bite on his forehead! I was not impressed.
Plugs are closed off at our house and there aren’t breakables where the kids can get to them. Simple things like how I pack the pantry so that the stuff on the bottom can’t get hurt if LJ gets into it and food that Lil Mister enjoys is within reach for him. It’s all things that are just a part of our daily life now and I really missed this while in someone else’s house! I love being able to give the kids the opportunity to be curious, adventurous and genuinely just children!

But honestly, I enjoyed the holiday and have struggled to get myself back into routine this week! It hasn’t helped that Hubby is still at home on leave....making me very jealous! Can you believe he had the audacity to complain this morning about being home with the boys again all day? HAHA I mean really....I gave him the look, ya know that look that says one more wrong word and I’ll go all ape $h*! Mommy style on you!

I’m pretty sure he got the message. I also whispered to the boys to make good poo’s for Papa while I’m at work! ;-) I think he needs the practice! (I think Hubby has changed a maximum of 5 poo nappies between both boys since Lil Mister was born!)

So, here’s a little insight to what you missed this week!

Saturday was another round of Saturday Funny. With Thanksgiving upon us....I had to share what I found to be the funniest Turkey Day clips!

Sunday’s Inspiration brought some dealings from God’s Word on giving thanks! I love how His Word reminds us that it isn’t something we do one day a year or during a particular season, but all the time!

Monday I was back in full swing....okay I was back! Give me some time to readjust! I gave a round up of #30daysofgratitude with a 4 in 1 post! You should really take some time to look at it!
I also brought you a Blogger Opportunity! I love these and I love the chance to share them with you! I meet so many amazing bloggers I didn’t know existed by participating in giveaways! If you haven’t joined one before, these are great chances! You agree to post an announcement about the giveaway on your blog as well as post the actual giveaway and you get a free link! How simple?!?

Tuesday gave us another week of Tuesday Tunes! I shared with you a beautiful song from Rascal Flatts that genuinely sums up my dreams for my boys!

I also gave you the first installment of our Durban Vacation! The boys’ first trip to the beach was a 100% success! I don’t think I could have asked for more!
Wednesday was so busy! We started with a Wordless Wednesday and a double gratitude post.
I then shared another blogger opportunity! Oh yea! You know it! And the secondinstallment of our Durban Vacation! We visited some old friends and took the boys to the aquarium! Lil Mister has been talking about seeing uShaka for months now! Ever since we first mentioned it to him and I promise this is probably one of my favorite moments from the entire holiday!
Thursday I relaxed a little bit and let Dawn’s Disaster take the spotlight! She has hit 600 followers on Pinterest and threw a big giveaway event to celebrate! You should really head over there and hit it up! You won’t regret it! I mean who can’t use an extra $100 in cash this Christmas season!

If you haven’t heard the news already, Organized Chaos is on Instagram! Head over there now and follow me!

Please stick around the weekend for another Saturday Funny and Sunday Inspiration! And as always I love to hear from you! Have you stopped by the Prayer Power page lately? We’ve got some amazing stories in the power of God!

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Shana Danae..

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